Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Photos June 21 to June 25

                                                       Will not eat at Fuking
                                            The clouds lower than the mountain in Valdez
                                             Alaska Pipeline terminus  No free samples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                                                 Ellen and her RV
                                               Clouds closing in on mountain highway
                                                 Looking at people climbing the glacier
                                                    Cars take it rough in Alaska
                                                       Going swimming in a class 5 rapids
                                               The beautiful town of Cooper Landing
                                             Bears keep out from eating buried humans! Aargh
                                                    Mosquitos have taken over Alaska
                                                Ellen always wanted to wear a veil
                                                       Downtown Chicken Alaska
The Cluck'in Taxi of Chicken.  Hard to hail a cab in chicken cause you've gotta make chicken sounds
                                                                   More of Chicken
                                                    The 4th plague Blood in the Yukon river
                                         Boundary cafe 4 miles from Canadian border
                                                  Ellen making friends wherever she goes
                              The top of the World highway and the modes of transportation
                                                       Dawson City Yukon Territory

The free Yukon ferry across Yukon river to Dawson City

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