Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June 21 Valdez Alaska SUMMER SOLSTICE

                                                           The biker from holland
                                                      Snow capped mountains of Valdez
                                         Is this our friend Sidney carved out of Alaskan wood?

Today is the longest day of the year but since we have not seen night in 5 weeks I don't think it matters that much. Spent the day biking Valdez which is a kind of cute city. Not anything like poor Whittier. Started biking with Dede and Walt but they are Jill and Joe athlete so after about an hour they left us in the dust. We came back and I have been sitting on the shoreline watching the birds, wildlife and oil tankers as they fill at the pipeline with their liquid gold.

We are having dinner tonight with them al fresco (to be honest we have eaten al fresco every night) heading north tomorrow to the Top of the World Highway. Will blog then if I get an Internet connection.

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