Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Friday, June 24, 2011

June 23 on the road at Dry Creek Alaska

After placing preparationH on all my mosquito bites (yes that really works) we left the campground from hell and took the Tok cutoff towards Tok.  We skirt the wrangler-st.Elias national park which I forgot to mention we visited yesterday.  The Tok cutoff road is poorly maintained but saves a few hours drive.  We arrived back in Tok (we hit this "metropolis" 5 weeks ago coming in.)  It's name used to be Tokyo but for some reason on December 7, 1941 they changed the name and it has remained Tok ever since.

We then headed towards the top of the world highway and the city of Chicken.  Tomorrow I'll tell you how it got the name Chicken.  We stopped 15 miles short of Chicken because the Top of the World highway is very dangerous and we wanted to do it on Saturday when it will have 2 days to dry out.  The road is known for mudslides so we will spend the day in Chicken tomorrow and get a good nights sleep before we leave the United States and become foreigners again.

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