Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May 31 Rosehip Campground Chena recreation area

Chena Hot springs

Riding our bikes

Ellen meets a bear

On the Chena River

Nature at its best

We left the Chena Hot Springs and drove 27 miles to the Rosehip Campground on the Chena river.  We parked our butts on the river bank had lunch and read for a while.  Very rustic.  We then lit a campfire au naturrel (no we weren't naked we just collected wood and started the fire ala Daniel Boone) We cooked on the open grill the food we "hunted" at the "safeway" and then discovered we would have to use our generator to start the microwave to cook the corn on the cob.  I think we have it as tough as most Alaskans of the 19th century.  We now can tell you the WORST part of Alaska that they don't tell you in the guidebooks.  THERE ARE MORE MOSQUITOS IN THIS STATE THAN THE REST OF THE 49 OTHER STATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am a walking scratcher on every part of my body.

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