Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Monday, June 20, 2011

June 19 Portage Glacier Alaska Again!

We woke up today to say goodbye to Dennis and Diane's family and went down to walk with D&D on Homer Spit.  Very touristy with charter fishing boats and little restaurants and souvenir type shops.  The highlight though was the world famous Salty Dog Saloon.  I've seen sweat shirts all over Alaska and in the lower 48 states that say Salty Dog Saloon and this was my chance to see it. It's a small bar with a pool room and that's it.  The thing that makes it different is that it's walls are plastered with at least 5,000 dollar bills all with autographs of every Tom, Dick and Harry who've frequented the place.  Also panties, bras and other assorted undergarments decorate the walls and rafters.  A great way to end our trip to Homer.

We said our sad goodbyes to D&D and began what is really our way back to Nevada. As this was our furthest distance from home.  We traveled back on the Sterling and Seward highways to the same campground we stayed at 6 days ago.
That's all folks

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