Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 12 Anchorage Alaska

Chugach State Park overlooking Anchorage

Our friends Scott and Arlene Brewer

Korean Air 747 arriving in Anchorage

Sleeping Lady across Cook Inlet
What a great day we had today.  It started late, we cleaned the RV and drove to see the Alaska earthquake experience.  This is a movie about the 1964 earthquake thats shown in a theater where when the quake happens all the seats move and shake just like a real quake without the damage.  To be honest even knowing it wasn't real scared the crap out of us.  A real earthquake must be the most frightening thing in the world because it comes without any warning.  Hurricanes, tornados, wildfires, mudslides etc all have a warning of some sort but this just suddenly happens.
> We then walked around town and had delicious red salmon chowder.  I was surprised to find out that that is Manhattan clam chowder just like they used to have at Lundy's.  Rochelle knows what I mean.  We then  got a call from the Anchoragites of yesterday.  We decided to have drinks with them at an outside bar where we had salmon cakes, salmon spread and then they took us to the coolest places. The Anchoragites now have names and it's Scott and Arlene.  First they took us east to chugach park overlooking anchorage. What a view.  My picture does not do it justice.  We then drove all the way back to anchorage airport where they showed us the largest seaplane airport in the world.  I could not believe the amount of seaplanes and private planes at this airport.  Must have been 5-10 thousand.  I was in heaven!

We drove to see Sleeping Lady.  That is a mountain range that looks like guess what.  The four of us were fascinated by the common interests we had and the similarity of our life experiences.  In fact their son and daughter-in-law live in Washington D.C.  Let's see do we know anyone there?  We got back to the campground at 10:30pm and of course the sun was still out.  I realize that what the alaskans gain in light now they lose in the winter.  They are dark 20 hours on dec 21.  That's why they head to the lower 48 after reaching retirement age.
Tomorrow is the leak fix.  It could take anywhere from an hour to 3 days, and from $50-$1000. I hate this part of RVing.  As you all know I am not the handiest when it comes to motor vehicles.
That's all folks!

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