Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 26 Tok Alaska USA

Harry at the US Canadian Border
One cheek in US One cheek in Canada
                                                        Yogi Bear walking down the Road

Today we hated leaving this gorgeous provincial park but we moved on.   Unfortunately this was the first time the road was poor.  Loose gravel and bumps so we could only travel about 35 mph.  We did run into Yogi Bear meandering down the road.  He came up to the RV and began licking the headlights then came around up to the window.  When he realized he wasn’t going to be invited in he just continued on.  He was so cute, it’s hard to remember how dangerous they can be.

We then crossed back into the good ol’ USA.  At the border there is a bench.  I sat on it and one “cheek” was in Canada the other in the USA.  New meaning to the saying, “Turn the other cheek”.  We stopped in Tok Alaska. After setting up camp we were surprised by a visit from Sarah and Doug, our friends from last night in Cogdon Creek.  We had dinner and tomorrow its on to Fairbanks. That’s all folks!

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