Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 25 Congdon Lake, YT

                                           Ellen Taking the waters
                                              Congdon Creek
We left Whitehorse about and headed west. We took a slight detour to Takhini Hot Springs where we had a soak in the warm waters.  Ellen went in the 42 degree  centigrade (108F)pool which upon my attempting was too hot.  So I entered the 102F pool.  Much more pleasant.  We then headed towards Haines Junction (the Junction leads to Skagway or Fairbanks).  We stopped at the Village Bakery in Haines Junction and filled up on bread and pastries.  We then headed northwest towards the US border.  We stopped at Congdon Creek on Kluane lake.This is the most beautiful lake and we camped there for the night.  The lake was still frozen and the snow on the mountains surrounding it were breathtaking and majestic. We lit a fire after getting some wood from Alan who was a local, camping there for the night.
We met some people from Missouri who were doing a similar trip and spent a nice evening with them.  When I say evening I mean that by the clock it was but was still as light as the middle of the afternoon.  We are dry camping here because it is so remote there isn’t any water or electricity.  That’s all folks!!

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