Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24 Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

First those of you who wish to write on our blog you must have a gmail account. This is easy and Google (gmail) is really honest and fair and you don't get any spam from them. So just sign into google and where it says "more" click blogs and put in our blog name. For those that this is too complicated just email me drharry48@gmail.com.

Now for those who said check your battery and get a charge (Bill T.)we are now in Whitehorse, YT at the dodge dealer getting a new engine battery because we cannot start the RV without the household battery boost. If Bill T. says one "I told you so", I will not let him take care of my blue Toyota anymore :-)

The battery is just one little problem as we traipse through this frontier country. If Lewis & Clark can do this so can we. They probably had it easy. We are suffering without cable wifi and cell service. Lewis & Clark at least had Native Americans helping them. We are fending for ourselves!! More about today later. That's all for now!

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