Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Monday, May 30, 2011

May 29 Fairbanks to Chena Hot Springs

Today we woke up late and went to the University of Alaska and visited the Museum of the North.  What a fabulous museum with many exhibits of old Alaska and an exhibition on the incarceration of the Aleuts (from the Aleutian islands) and Japanese Americans during World War II.  What a sad story.  The museum is built like an igloo and is gorgeous.  The university is spread out because the one thing they have got in Alaska is land!  They have buildings devoted to Arctic medical needs.  I didn’t think there were many arctic residents that caught colds and needed a doctor but I guess there are. 
We left Fairbanks and drove 57 miles east to Chena Hot Springs.  This is the coolest (no pun intended) place.  We set up our RV and got our bikes and biked over to the hot springs.  It was great.  The air temperature was about 80 and the springs were 106 degrees.  We sat there about 2 hours and then rode back to the RV. It was then that it started to rain.  Our timing was perfect.  We met some people from Ohio, Bernardo and Daria.  We spent some time chitchatting in our RV as they were doing a similar trip.  Tomorrow we will see the ice museum here in the Hot Springs.  Seems like a juxtaposition of terms, ice museum at the hot springs but what do we know from the lower 48 (as we are known by Alaskans).  That’s all folks!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

May 28 Fairbanks Alaska

                                                             Fairbanks Alaska

               Today was the first day we have not had to drive anywhere.  So we got up late and went to downtown Fairbanks.  We took our bikes and biked through downtown Fairbanks and along the Chena river.  Fairbanks has a great bike path along the river and we had a great time.  We stopped at the Visitor center where they have a wonderful exhibition of old Alaska and log cabins which depict the way Alaskans live in the winter.  It gets to 40 below zero here which is mind-boggling.  Thats 130 degrees colder than it is right now.  We then headed home and believe it or not stopped for a manicure.  We are wierd!!!!!! Thats all folks!

Friday, May 27, 2011

May 27 Fairbanks Alaska

We left Tok and arrived in Delta Junction where we are able to get close to the Alaska Pipeline.  And at the price of gas here in Alaska we tried to siphon some.  Unfortunately it was as protected as the White House and Ellen talked me out of drilling a hole in it.  The FBI wouldn’t have been too happy with me.  We then saw Rika’s Roadhouse which has been there for 110 years.  It is an old Alaska house with old Alaskan stuff!  We then traveled on to Fairbanks where we went to the food store to get “supplies”.  By the way the temperature here in Fairbanks today is 89 degrees.  Feels more like Hawaii than Alaska.  Going to spend a few days here in Fairbanks as it is Memorial Day weekend and we are tired of driving.  3500 miles in 11 days.  In Dutch “Genoeg is genoeg” or in English “Enough is enough”.  That’s all folks!

May 26 Tok Alaska USA

Harry at the US Canadian Border
One cheek in US One cheek in Canada
                                                        Yogi Bear walking down the Road

Today we hated leaving this gorgeous provincial park but we moved on.   Unfortunately this was the first time the road was poor.  Loose gravel and bumps so we could only travel about 35 mph.  We did run into Yogi Bear meandering down the road.  He came up to the RV and began licking the headlights then came around up to the window.  When he realized he wasn’t going to be invited in he just continued on.  He was so cute, it’s hard to remember how dangerous they can be.

We then crossed back into the good ol’ USA.  At the border there is a bench.  I sat on it and one “cheek” was in Canada the other in the USA.  New meaning to the saying, “Turn the other cheek”.  We stopped in Tok Alaska. After setting up camp we were surprised by a visit from Sarah and Doug, our friends from last night in Cogdon Creek.  We had dinner and tomorrow its on to Fairbanks. That’s all folks!

May 25 Congdon Lake, YT

                                           Ellen Taking the waters
                                              Congdon Creek
We left Whitehorse about and headed west. We took a slight detour to Takhini Hot Springs where we had a soak in the warm waters.  Ellen went in the 42 degree  centigrade (108F)pool which upon my attempting was too hot.  So I entered the 102F pool.  Much more pleasant.  We then headed towards Haines Junction (the Junction leads to Skagway or Fairbanks).  We stopped at the Village Bakery in Haines Junction and filled up on bread and pastries.  We then headed northwest towards the US border.  We stopped at Congdon Creek on Kluane lake.This is the most beautiful lake and we camped there for the night.  The lake was still frozen and the snow on the mountains surrounding it were breathtaking and majestic. We lit a fire after getting some wood from Alan who was a local, camping there for the night.
We met some people from Missouri who were doing a similar trip and spent a nice evening with them.  When I say evening I mean that by the clock it was but was still as light as the middle of the afternoon.  We are dry camping here because it is so remote there isn’t any water or electricity.  That’s all folks!!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tok, Alaska

We are here but having Internet troubles so I will upload may 25 and 26 tomorrow if I have wifi in Fairbanks

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Whitehorse YT Part 2

                                                An excellent thought and phone number
                                                  To complainers of the Canadian gas price

After buying a new battery for the engine we decided that the only thing that would make us feel better was PIZZA.  We were told that G&P restaurant had the best pizza in the Yukon.  Not exactly a ringing endorsement but we went anyway.  And lo and behold not only was it one of the best pizza's ever (TwoBoots in NYC still the best in the world) but the manager Marina was a real doll.  All in all a rather excellent experience.  Also the Dodge dealers were very helpful in replacing our battery.  People here are so nice.  They are all just like me!!!!  We are staying here in Whitehorse for the night to enjot  the still frozen lakes and rivers tomorrow.

BTW it does not get dark till 11:30PM and the sun rises about 3:30AM.  They say when we get to Alaska and the summer solstice it will stay light 24 hours. Thats all folks!!!!

May 24 Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

First those of you who wish to write on our blog you must have a gmail account. This is easy and Google (gmail) is really honest and fair and you don't get any spam from them. So just sign into google and where it says "more" click blogs and put in our blog name. For those that this is too complicated just email me drharry48@gmail.com.

Now for those who said check your battery and get a charge (Bill T.)we are now in Whitehorse, YT at the dodge dealer getting a new engine battery because we cannot start the RV without the household battery boost. If Bill T. says one "I told you so", I will not let him take care of my blue Toyota anymore :-)

The battery is just one little problem as we traipse through this frontier country. If Lewis & Clark can do this so can we. They probably had it easy. We are suffering without cable wifi and cell service. Lewis & Clark at least had Native Americans helping them. We are fending for ourselves!! More about today later. That's all for now!

Monday, May 23, 2011

May 23 Ranchiero Yukon Territory

                                            2 of the 3 bears
We began our morning with those delicious cinnamon rolls.  Then we peeked over towards Dennis and Diane’s camper and noticed Dennis with his head under the hood.  With his expertise he was able to fix the brake warning light and the annoying dinger sound.  Unfortunately no other gauges worked so he had no speedometer etc.  Luckily that wasn’t me because Ellen would have never let me drive without a speedometer. 

We began our drive and came upon Muncho Lake (not the potato chip)  It was a beautiful emerald aqua color and part was frozen and the other part was like a mirror. (see photos)  We then came upon wildlife which were camped on the road.  Bison, caribou, big horn sheep and then when we thought we could not be any luckier we came upon three bears grazing next to the road. (see photos and video)  And 20 minutes later we found goldilocks in Watsons Lake. 

We stopped at Ranchiero RV “Resort” here in the Yukon.  We arrived and found Dennis and Diane splitting wood with an axe.  A New York City boy found that to be surreal.  We watched them light a fire and ate chicken and then we had a guy land a helicopter next to us.  Of course I was fascinated and had a long talk with the pilot.  He offered to take me for a ride but I declined.  That’s all for now folks.

PS Elaine H. back in Maryland HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

May 22 Tetsa River B.C.

Today we had the worst weather since we began our trip.  It rained the whole day. The temperature was in the low 40's even dipping to 37 degrees.  We are about 50 miles west of Fort Nelson in an old fashion campground.  The scenery has changed from farming to logging and mountains.  We have gone about 2300 miles and have another 1200 to go.  Ellen had to do some office work and asked if they had whiteout (liquid paper).  The guy said of course they do.  When she asked to have some the guy said come back in the winter! I think they have a different idea of whiteout.
BTW we have been amazed at the time that the sun sets.  Yesterday we were at the most western part of the Mountain time zone and being so far north, it started to get dark about 11PM.  Tonight since we are about 200 miles further north but now in the Pacific time zone it should get dark about the same time.
I have no Internet connection today. In fact we have no cell phone service either. This is the only road into Alaska and you see the same people at each campground.  There is one thing we have here at Tetsa campground that is different.  While there is no Internet, TV or phone service they do make the best homemade cinnamon buns ever.  That's all folks!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21 Dawson Creek British Columbia

Hello followers!!! We crossed the provincial line into British Columbia and stopped here in Dawson Creek.  For those less experienced which is probably everybody reading this Dawson Creek is Mile 0 of the "world famous" Alaska Highway.  It means we have about 1500 miles to go to Fairbanks, Alaska.  We have already done about 1700 miles since Mesquite.  The weather has been rather cool, around 50 to 60F.  We have seen lots of oil wells, trees and the small towns of northern Alberta.  BTW for those of you who are worried(Barb and Michelle) there are days when the campgrounds of Canada do not have wifi which prevents my blogging. Although we have Verizon mifi it is very expensive when I must roam and to be honest now that we are on a "fixed income" we dont feel like spending the roaming charges. So all of you (B&M) dont worry if you dont hear from me on my blog.  I do write every day and save it till I can get on a free wifi.  Everytime I've been in Canada, the people are so nice, eh!  I even tell them I'm from New York originally and they are even pleased to hear that. Go figure.  Diesel is getting more expensive the further we go running now about $4.60 a gallon.  Of course I have to do much math to change from liters to gallons and then from Canadian dollars to US dollars and then from kilometers to miles to figure I am getting 14.528 miles per gallon. But of course I got 730 on my math SAT's so I can do it pretty fast.  Ellen always says when I am doing this, "what the f..k is the difference" For any crazy dutchmen reading this 1000 miles is 1600km so you can do the math yourselves.  To Tyler and Josie the next time I do this trip I am taking you guys so you can drive. That will be in 2028!!!!! Finally if you read this blog please let's see some comments. Thanks!

May 20 Stony Plain Alberta

Today we left Lethbridge and drove about 300 miles to just west of Edmonton.  We asked our friends Diane and Dennis to pick out a nice place for lunch and they led us to a cornfield with an oil field for a little extra excitement. (See photo)   We then drove on and stopped at a beautiful lake outside of the village of Stony Plain.  We had dinner and are getting to bed early for the drive tomorrow to Dawson Creek, British Columbia.  That is mile 0 of the Alaska Highway and begins the real trek, 1422 miles through BC and the Yukon until we reach Alaska.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

May 19 Lewis and Clark Great Falls

                                          Ellen with Lewis and Clark in Great Falls Montana

May 19 Lethbridge, Alberta

We crossed the border into Canada today and drove about 140km to Lethbridge.  Back in Great Falls, Montana USA we met up with our Mesquite neighbors Diane and Dennis.  By coincidence tey are driving their RV back to their home in Kenai Alaska so we are tagging along with them.  We met at the Louis and Clark exhibition in Great Falls where Ellen studied the enormous undertaking of their expedition and decided she would have liked to go along with Lewis and Clark in 1805.  When I explained the lack of luxurious accomodations they had, she decided she may not have enjoyed that trip. We stopped at a cute campground in Lethbridge and had a feast provided by Dennis of hotdogs and Frog Balls.  One has not lived until he's tasted the succulence of frog balls.  We drank and b.s.ed the rest of the night and tomorrow are preparing to drive 350 miles to just west of Edmonton.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Entering Montana from Idaho

I forgot to put this picture up yesterday.  Here we have enterd Montana at the Continental Divide.

This is a picture on our refrigerator in the RV

                                Our Two Grandkids Traveling With Us on the Refrigerator

May 18 Helena Montana

We stopped in Helena to check out the state capitol.  The people were most friendly and allowed us onto the senate floor.  After about an hour going through the Montana capital it was back on the road to Great Falls and now we are about 110 miles from the Canadian border.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17 2011 Dillon Montana

We drove to Dillon Montana today and we saw these gorgeous mountains. Dillon is a cute little town in the middle of nowhere which is why they call Montana "Big Sky Country".  It was 42 degrees F when we left Ogden Utah and it is now 59.  Not exactly the middle 90's of Mesquite NV.  For those of you who have only seen pictures of Ellen the above picture proves that I am here with her.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ellen says "Off we go!"

May 16

We are on the way. We drove 400 miles to Ogden Utah and are staying at Willard bay state park. It is right on the northeast bank of the great salt lake but I have to watch my salt intake so I can't go down to the water! Ellen drove about 75% of the daily drive. Diesel fuel is $4.15 a gallon here in the Rockies. Not much we can do about it. Moving on tomorrow to Idaho and Montana.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Loading RV

Loading up today. RV all checked out. Bringing extra fan belts, oil filters, oil and antifreeze. My motto "Plan Ahead". Ellen getting food and I loaded up clothes and assorted cargo. That's all for today folks.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 14 2011

Today the RV is being checked over.  Oil change, new filters, power steering fluid and extra filters and belts in case of trouble.  I will clean it today and start to load it up for a Monday departure from Mesquite Nevada.  Its 725 miles to Great Falls Montana where we will meet up with "Sarah and Todd".  They are our friends Dennis and Diane from Mesquite who live in Alaska.  I call them sarah and Todd and if you have to ask you are not well read on current events.