Harry and Ellen

Harry and Ellen

Thursday, July 7, 2011

July 7 Maziadin Lake British Columbia

Left Camp Run-a-Muck campground to begin the 23 mile climb up to Salmon  Glacier.  This road is more like a trail and it was the toughest road so far.  It climbs for 3300 feet on an unpaved dirt and rocks road with no guardrail.  And if you look down you are really looking far down.  The glacier is spectacular but it took us one and a half hours to get up the mountain.  We stayed for a half hour and then began the down the mountain journey.  Ellen refused to let me drive down and she drove the whole way down in first gear at 10 mph.  Tharp ly advantage was she never touched the gas pedal so we saved money letting gravity do the work.
We drove the 35 miles back to the Cassiar highway and stopped at a provincial lake called Maziadin lake.  We parked right on the lake and here is where we spent the night

By the way those wondering where are our photos the last few days will have to wait as the Internet is so slow here that I am lucky to upload text. Pictures take forever and there is too much to see to wait for photos to upload. Will do it as soon as possible

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